12th Annual WTCA Summer Conference:
Building Bridges in Challenging Times: Connections through Counseling
Pre-Conference and Awards Dinner – May 31, 2024: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sabbatini Lounge, Christian Brothers University 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38112
Conference – June 1st, 2024: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Rosa Deal School of Arts and Sabbatini Lounge Christian Brothers University 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38112
7 CEs for attending both the Pre-Conference and Conference
6 CEs for attending the Conference only
Schedule - all times in CST
Pre-Conference and Awards Dinner: May 31, 2024 - 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sabbatini Lounge, Christian Brothers University 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38112
6:00 pm - Welcome 6:15 pm - Dinner 6:30 – 7:30 pm - Pre-Conference Presentation: Dr. Christopher Todd - “Religion and Spirituality in Counseling as a Multicultural Imperative” 7:30- 8:00 pm - Awards Presentation
Summer Conference: June 1, 2024: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Rosa Deal School of Arts and Sabbatini Lounge Christian Brothers University 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38112
8:30 - 9:00 am - Registration and Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00 am - 1st Breakout Session (1 CE)
10:10 am - 11:40 am - 2nd Breakout Session (1.5 CE) (Ethics)
11:40 - 12:00 pm - Visit Poster Sessions and Grab Lunch
12:00 - 1:30 pm - Lunch and Keynote Speaker: Dr. Archandria Owens (1.5 CE):
"A Story of Activation: How Nervous System Privilege Drives Disconnection" Dr. Archandria Owens is a trauma-informed licensed psychologist with a passion for the promotion of mental health and wellness for all, but with a particular love for doing this work with underserved populations. She specializes in the treatment of racial trauma, grief and loss, relational concerns, religious and spiritual issues, and family of origin trauma recovery in the counseling that she does within her private practice, The Collective Healing Space. Dr. Owens also works as a racial equity consultant through her consulting business, Owens Psychology, which allows her to provide dynamic and interactive training, needs assessments, and tailored consultation services around issues of race to organizations, churches, and mental health collectives in the communities she serves. Dr. Owens is the founder and curator of Healing Black Narratives, an Instagram-based initiative that provides education, promotes healing, and prioritizes the Black experience making the work that Dr. Owens does more accessible to others.
1:40 - 2:40 pm - 3rd Breakout Session (1 CE) 2:50 - 3:50 pm - 4th Breakout Session (1 CE) 3:50 - 4:00 pm - Turn in CE Form and Evaluations
Keynotes and Speakers:
- Dr. Schiro-Geist - "Differences in the Quality of Employment for VR Clients with Disabilities by Counselor CRC Status"
- Dr. Amanda Russell, LPC-MHSP-S, Dr. Frances Ellmo, LPC-MHSP & Maggie Thompson, M.A., LPC-MHSP - "Act with Love: A model for using ACT to increase secure attachment in intimate relationships"
- Dr. Kristi Nobbman Dunaway, LPC-MHSP, PMH-C, NCC - "Grief Work: Loss and Transition throughout the Lifespan"
- Dr. Corey Latta, M.A., P-LPC - "Rewriting the Family Story: How Scripting and Psychodrama Can Heal Wounds"
- Dr. Christopher Todd - "Religion and Spirituality in Counseling as a Multicultural Imperative"
- Taylor Johnson-Murry, tLPC-MHSP & Maggie Thompson, M.A., LPC-MHSP - "Committing to Social Justice Through Relational Cultural Theory and the Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies (MSJCC)"
- Dr. Archandria Owens - "A Story of Activation: How Nervous System Privilege Drives Disconnection"
- Victoria Traylor, LPC-MHSP - "Emotional Freedom Techniques"
- Shayla Reynolds, CRC - "Accessibility Issues in Private Practice: Ensuring Accessible Support for People with Disabilities"
- Dr. Courtney Loveless, LPC-MHSP-S & Dr. Mary Neal, LPC-MHSP-S - "Exploring Burnout Amongst Mental Health Counselors Within Three Workplace Settings: In-person, Hybrid & Working from Home"
Registration Type
Conference Only
Conference + Pre-Conference
TCA Member: Counseling Professional
TCA Member: Student/Retired
Non-TCA Member:
Confirmed Presenter
No refunds will be given.
The West Tennessee Counseling Association is a chapter of the Tennessee Counseling Association (TCA). TCA has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 2043. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. TCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
